
Povsod sem bil, čisto sam

Pot za kruhom vodi vedno drugam

Prevozil sem tisoč cest

Videl blišč in bedo tujih mest.

Ta zelena dežela me prevzame,

Ko vozim po cesti do Ljubljane,

Tu imam ljubezen

Tukaj sem doma.

Pogled na Savo tako me gane,

Da oko zarosi in v hribe ujame,

Solza pravi srcu, da sem

Tukaj doma, tukaj doma.

Pel sem pesmi in lagal,

Tuje ženske v zveze koval.

Iskal sem dom, toda zaman,

V srcu je le tisti, ki ga poznam.


Everywhere I was, all alone

The trail of bread always leads somewhere else

transport thousands of roads I

saw the splendor and misery of foreign cities.

This green country over me,

When I drive down the road to Ljubljana,

I've got a love

I am here at home.

Look at Savo as I moved,

to the eye and mists in the mountains captures

Tears heart says that I am

here at home, here at home.

I sang the song and lied

Foreign Women in Communications hatching.

I was looking for shelter, but in vain,

the heart is only those who know him.

(5000 karakter kaldı)

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