
Dober tek.

"Kot majhen si vseskozi tekel." mi je dejala mati pred časom. Tako zelo sem se trudil razviti odnos, razdaljo do te potrebe. Po zadovoljevanju, vsega preko hrane. Vztrajnost, odločnost sta se meglili kot oris hiše v dežju, sčasoma se je dež spremenil v razmočeno trato. Blato. Tek pa je ostal.
Tek po življenju, po preseganju,
po vzpodbujanju, po vztrajanju,
tek po teku.
Kakšen tek.
In vedno sta tekla drug proti drugemu. Včasih se ujela in si podala roko in stekla skupaj. Tudi losos plava proti toku le določen čas, takrat, ko je to potrebno. "Pa imaš to v sebi?" Zdaj? Pa zdaj? Kdo bo nosil, kdo bo podpiral obolele? Kdo bo vztrajal? Boš izkopal, ti ljubezen, ti dobra volja, boš našel v temoli odločnost in trdnost in izkopal strast in vztrajnost, ki si jo zakopal pod tisto razmočeno trato, ki je v tistem poletnem soncu tako, sijala, ko si tekel skozi njo k sosedom. Ista trata, razmočena in zlata.
In kdo bo še tekel čez njo?


Bon Appetit.

"As a small're always running." I said his mother ahead of time. So I tried to develop relationships, distances to these needs. After satisfying, over all the food. Perseverance, determination are foggy as the outline of the house in the rain, the rain eventually turned into a soaked lawn. Blato. Running remained.
Running for life, to overcome,
by promoting, for his insistence
running the course.
What running.
And still they ran against each other. Sometimes he caught and moved an arm and a glass together. Even salmon swimming upstream only a certain time when it is needed. "And you've got it in you?" Now? And now? Who will wear, who will support the sick? Who will be maintained? Will you dig, you love, you good mood, you will find in temoli determination and strength and dig passion and perseverance that you buried under that soaked lawn, which at that summer sun also shone when he ran through it to the neighbors. The same lawn, strong, andgold.
And who will run over it?

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